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Testnet III.


Aleo Testnet III is not ready for production use and will undergo thorough audit and testing before reaching production. Aleo Testnet III is a trusted testnet - subsequent testnets will undergo a trusted setup process.

Aleo Testnet III is an experimental network for developers to begin building and testing applications on Aleo. Testnet III is used by the core team for designing and evaluating new programs, planning and staging network upgrades, and running experimental features for inclusion on mainnet.


snarkOS is a decentralized operating system for anonymous web applications. It forms the backbone of Aleo and enables developers to checkpoint and finalize application state in a publicly-verifiable manner.

Source Code

snarkOS is open-source and publicly-hosted on GitHub.

Query The Network

The Aleo Testnet3 API is organized around REST.

To connect to the network, make a request to an Aleo Testnet III bootnode.


For example, you can retrieve the current block height.

With a local instance of snarkos, you can launch a client node with:

snarkos start --client --nodisplay

By default, this will make the node API available at

Now, refer to the API reference for a list of available endpoints.


If you have Docker installed you can quickly launch a client within a docker container:

docker run -it --name snarkos --hostname snarkosc -p 4133:4133 -p 3033:3033 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/aleo/data aleohq/snarkos:latest /aleo/bin/snarkos start --client --nodisplay

This initializes a container called snarkos and maps the container port 3033 to 3033 on your system. Once the client is initialized, you can access the API as usual (

You can close the container with ctrl + c and restart it with:

docker start -a snarkos